Monday, February 25, 2013

An Opportunity to Serve

The purpose of this posting is to share with you the great opportunity God has put into my life. I am planning on going on a mission trip to Haiti on June 22nd until the 29th and I would really appreciate your support.
                My relationship with Christ has grown tremendously within the past 6 months and I have chosen to follow His leading to go on a short-term mission trip led by the High School Ministry at 12Stone Church.  This would be my first mission trip, and I can’t express the excitement I feel when I think about sharing the Gospel and serving the people of Haiti. I can’t wait to see how God works in my life and the lives of the people of Haiti. This is an amazing opportunity for me to go and serve with a team from my church.
                Has your power ever gone out after it’s already dark outside? It’s close to impossible to see unless you light candles or use a flashlight. Imagine if this was an every night experience. There are still villages in Haiti which have no electricity at all. In fact, while in Haiti, we will be visiting a community populated by deaf Haitians that have no electricity, so when the lights go out, the community becomes void of communication. Haiti is one of the poorest and most dangerous countries in the world. As a result, many of these Haitians have little hope for their futures. What can just a few people do to help that? It’s simple, by spreading the love and hope that God provides: lives will be forever changed.
                Unlike usual mission trips, we won’t be building any houses or anything tangible. We want to focus primarily on building relationships and just bringing people to Christ. We will be visiting many communities throughout the week and spreading the Gospel. I am excited to get to do so and can’t wait to see what God has in store for our team.
                With this big opportunity also comes a risk. I need prayer partners that will begin praying for my success and safety in Haiti. I would like to ask you to pray for me as I prepare for the trip and pray for me while I am gone on the trip. Prayer is essential for the team, our safety and the success of the mission. Please subscribe to this blog if you are willing to support me in prayer during our mission

                Thank you!! I’ll keep you updated as to how preparations are going and tell you all about my trip and the wonders of God after I return! May God bless you and have a great day!!

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