Thursday, March 21, 2013

Haiti Mission Preparation

Thank you soo much for both your financial and spiritual support! This is an amazing opportunity and I'm so blessed to have people like you in my life to support me through it.
Just to keep you updated, about two or three weeks ago we had mission training. At training we had a man that works with the FBI come teach us what to do in all sorts of rare, but dangerous situations. It really opened my eyes and made me more aware of what can actually happen if I don't take this trip seriously. It also made me even more excited because I realize how much these people need to know God's love.

Last week we had another meeting where we discussed how to dress, what to pack and just little details like that. We also started sharing our testimonies with one another. Hearing the amazing ways God works in others’ lives inspired me even more to share the news of Jesus’s salvation.

I can't express how thankful I am for your donation and your prayers through this experience. I plan to use my USA Ambassador Blog to keep everyone updated. You can check for future updates at

Thank you sooo much again!